Deviated Septum Treatment
Your Go-To Deviated Septum Specialists
Bella Vista ENT & Facial Plastic Surgery provides deviated septum treatment in Thousand Oaks, CA. As the local area’s go-to deviated septum specialists, you can rely on us to provide the best treatment options and patient care. In addition to deviated septum treatments, we offer sinus treatments, allergy testing, cosmetic procedures, sleep apnea treatment, and more.

What Is A Deviated Septum?
A deviated septum is a condition that occurs when the nasal septum is displaced to one side. The nasal septum is the thin wall of cartilage and bone between the nasal passages. When the nasal septum is displaced or deviated, airflow may be reduced, which can cause difficulty breathing. Severe misalignment of the nasal septum often requires deviated septum treatment.
The Signs Of A Deviated Nasal Septum
If a deviated septum is minor, visible symptoms may not present themselves. If a septum is severely deviated, deviated septum symptoms and signs can include:
- Difficulty Breathing – When one or both of your nostrils is obstructed, the block can make breathing difficult. This is because nasal misalignment makes it more difficult for air to pass through one-half of your nose. This is most noticeable when you have a cold or allergies, as that is when the nasal passages swell and narrow.
- Disrupted Sleep – A deviated nasal septum can cause snoring and noisy breathing during sleep. This may also result in difficulty getting to sleep and staying asleep. In rare cases, a deviated nasal septum can even contribute to sleep apnea.
- Nosebleeds – When the surface of the nasal septum dries out, the risk of nosebleeds increases. With a deviated septum, air has a more difficult time passing through the nose, making the membranes in your nose more likely to dry out. This makes you more susceptible to nosebleeds
- Facial Pain – From nasal congestion to headaches and sinus infections, a deviated septum can cause an array of facial pain and discomfort. If your airway is clogged, you are more likely to develop frequent sinus infections.
- Nasal Cycle Awareness – When the nose alternates between being obstructed on one side and the other, it’s called the nasal cycle. Nasal cycle awareness isn’t typical unless nasal obstruction, such as a deviated septum, is present.

Treatment Options For A Deviated Septum
While decongestants, antihistamines, and nasal steroid sprays can help manage symptoms, they are not a long-term solution. These medications will help treat the swollen mucus membranes of your nose, but they will not correct a deviated septum. The true treatment is deviated septum surgery, which is also referred to as a septoplasty. This surgical repair will straighten and reposition the nasal septum in the center of the nose. The results of your surgery will often depend on the severity of your deviation. A rhinoplasty can also help by reshaping the nose, altering its size, and modifying its bone and cartilage.
Contact Bella Vista ENT & Facial Plastic Surgery Today
Bella Vista ENT & Facial Plastic Surgery has a highly-skilled team and top-of-the-line technology that can efficiently correct your deviated septum. Once corrected, you will be able to breathe more easily and comfortably – and that’s our prerogative. To learn more about our services and what our patients think of them, you can check out our patient testimonials. We also offer a wide range of free patient resources. To schedule a consultation with our professional team, contact us today.